ダナン工科大学で学士を、長岡技術科学大学で修士と博士を取得した。 研究テーマは、耐食性と自己修復能力を備えた高度な複合材料; 電場を使用したナノ構造の制御; 摩擦溶接; レーザー加工; 2D材料; および3Dプリント技術を研究しています。
2023年12月:東北大学の大川先生との共著の書籍(Springer Nature社 Ceramic Coatings for High-Temperature Environments)が出版されました.
2023年6月:共著の書籍(Elsevier社 Advanced Ceramic Coatings)が出版されました.
2021年11月:自己修復材料に関する論文がAdvances Materials Interfaces の表紙に選ばれました.
研究論文についてはScopus,Google Scholar でも調べることが出来ます。
Scopus Author ID:24303090100 Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lZI5HVoAAAAJ&hl=en
整理番号 |
タイトル |
出版年 |
出版物名 |
巻 |
号 |
論文番号 |
ページ |
27 |
Self-healing ability and full strength recovery at medium temperatures of low content titanium carbide/alumina composites |
2024 | Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan | 132 | 3 | 85-92 | |
26 |
2023 |
UD - Journal of Science and Technology: Issue on Information and Communications Technology |
21 |
6.2 |
25-32 |
25 |
2022 |
Journal of the European Ceramic Society |
42 |
13 |
6170-6181 |
24 |
Autonomous crack healing ability of SiC dispersed Yb2Si2O7 by oxidations in air and water vapor |
2021 |
Ceramics International |
47 |
24 |
34802-34809 |
23 |
Titanium Nitride and Yttrium Titanate Nanocomposites, Endowed with Renewable Self‐Healing Ability |
2021 |
Advances Materials Interfaces |
8 |
22 |
2100979 |
22 |
In situ sintered silver decorated 3D structure of cellulose scaffold for highly thermoconductive electromagnetic interference shielding epoxy nanocomposites |
2021 |
Journal of Applied Polymer Science |
138 |
40 |
51193 |
21 |
2021 |
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing |
149 |
106485 |
20 |
Improving self-healing ability and flexural strength of ytterbium silicate-based nanocomposites with silicon carbide nanoparticulates and whiskers |
2021 |
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan |
129 |
4 |
209-216 |
19 |
Development of Yttrium Titanate/Nickel Nanocomposites with Self Crack-Healing Ability and Potential Application as Thermal Barrier Coating Material |
2020 |
Materials Transactions |
61 |
8 |
1510-1516 |
18 |
2020 |
設計工学 |
55 |
7 |
443-450 |
17 |
2020 |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
22 |
7 |
2000157 |
16 |
2019 |
日本機械学会 |
2019 |
J02343 |
15 |
2019 |
Journal of the European Ceramic Society |
39 |
10 |
3139-3152 |
14 |
Observation of Three Dimensional Nanostructures Fabricated by Two-Photon Polymerization Method |
2019 |
Transaction on GIGAKU |
6 |
1 |
06008/1-6 |
13 |
2019 |
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology |
16 |
1 |
39-49 |
12 |
2018 |
Composites Science and Technology |
154 |
165-174 |
11 |
Strength improvement and purification of Yb2Si2O7-SiC nanocomposites by surface oxidation treatment |
2017 |
Journal of the American Ceramic Society |
100 |
7 |
3122-3131 |
10 |
Low thermal conductivity Y2Ti2O7 as a candidate material for thermal/environmental barrier coating |
2016 |
Ceramics International |
42 |
9 |
11314-11323 |
9 |
Texture-controlled hybrid materials fabricated using nanosecond technology |
2016 |
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan |
124 |
3 |
197-202 |
8 |
2016 |
Materials Chemistry and Physics |
171 |
39-44 |
7 |
2015 |
Journal of the European Ceramic Society |
35 |
9 |
2651-2662 |
6 |
Developing yttria-based ceramics having high liquid metal corrosion resistance |
2014 |
Ceramic Transactions |
250 |
53-63 |
5 |
Fabrication and electrical properties of cup-stacked carbon nanotubes/polymer nanocomposite films as an electrode sensor for brain-wave detection |
2014 |
Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings |
35 |
8 |
219-228 |
4 |
2013 |
Materials Science Forum |
761 |
107-111 |
3 |
2013 |
Journal of Materials Sccience |
48 |
12 |
4151-4162 |
2 |
Densely packed linear assembles of carbon nanotube bundles in polysiloxane-based nanocomposite film |
2013 |
Journal of Nanomaterials |
2013 |
564307 |
1 |
Polyepoxide-based nanohybrid films with self-assembled linear assemblies of nanodiamonds |
2012 |
Acta Materialia |
60 |
20 |
7249-7257 |
Son Thanh Nguyen, Ayahisa Okawa, Tadachika Nakayama, Hisayuki Suematsu (2024). 5 - Self-healing ceramic coatings. In: Ram K. Gupta, Amir Motallebzadeh, Saeid Kakooei, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Ajit Behera (eds) Elsevier Series in Advanced Ceramic Materials, Advanced Ceramic Coatings, Elsevier.
Okawa, A., Nguyen, S.T., Nakayama, T., Suematsu, H., Goto, T., Niihara, K. (2024). Development of Silicates and Spraying Techniques for Environmental Barrier Coatings. In: Pakseresht, A., Amirtharaj Mosas, K.K. (eds) Ceramic Coatings for High-Temperature Environments. Engineering Materials. Springer, Cham.
Date | Type | Title | Conference | Place |
2021/8/5 | Invited | Self-crack-healing ceramics and their perspective application in aircraft gas turbine engine | The 5th International Symposium on Hybrid Materials and Procession (HyMaP 2021) | Niigata, Japan (online) |
2019/1/29 | Invited | Fabrication of three dimensional nanostructures by two-photon polymerization method and their motion control in electric field | 43rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2019) | Florida, USA |
2019/1/29 | Invited | Recovering the crack-healing agents in the self-repairing nanocomposites and their high-temperature strength | 43rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2019) | Florida, USA |
2018/7/24 | Invited | Crack-healing and strength recovery of ytteribum disilicate based composites | 12th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications (CMCEE2018) | Suntec, Singapore |
2018/1/22 | Invited | Modulating the piezoresistivity and thickenss of silicone rubber coating films for pressing-sensor applications | 42nd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2018) | Florida, USA |
■ Wiley Top Downloaded Paper 2018-2019 in International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 共同(主担当), Self‐crack healing ability and strength recovery in ytterbium disilicate/silicon carbide nanocomposites
■ ICACC 2018 Best Poster Award, 国際学会の論文発表賞, 2019年1月28日, American Ceramics Society, 共同(主担当), Crack-Healing Ability and Strength Recovery of Ytterbium Disilicate Ceramic Reinforced with Silicon Carbide Nanofillers
■ The finalists for the 2013 Journal of Materials Science, Robert W. Cahn Best Paper Prize, Oxidation of nanodiamonds and modulation of their assembly in polymer-based nanohybrids by field-inducement
■ 長岡技術科学大学 電気系系長賞, 2013年7月31日, 単独
■ 科研費(KAKENHI)
● 日本学術振興会 科学研究費 基盤研究(B) 2023-2026
● 日本学術振興会 科学研究費 基盤研究(C) 2019-2022
● 日本学術振興会 科学研究費 若手研究 2018-2020
■ 財団等
● 公益財団法人 天田財団 奨励研究助成 若手研究者(レーザ加工プロセッシング) 2020 - 2023
● 公益財団法人 大倉和親記念財団 若手研究者部門 2020 - 2022
■ 共同研究(collaborative research)
● 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点における 基盤共同研究 2023
● 高専ー長岡技科大 共同研究 2021
● 高専ー長岡技科大 共同研究 2018