2024 Report
1.Themes of Projects
Field of Information Engineering: Themes related to information engineering (excluding game development)
Field of Mechanical Engineering: Themes related to Mechanical engineering
Field of Electronic Engineering:
1. Quest for basic knowledge about electricity, 2. Experiments on computer engineering
Field of Electronic Engineering:Themes related to electronics
Field of Architecture:Exercises on architectural design, environment and structure
General Education:
1. Field of Theoretical Physics (e.g. quantum theory, general relativity),
2. Polymer chemistry (gelation of sodium alginate)
2.Themes of Project Presentations
Field of Electronic Engineering:A student at TNI, Paper Mechatronics
Field of Electronic Engineering:A student at TUAS, Brain and Cognition Laboratory Practical Training Report
Field of Electronic Engineering:A student at KMITL, Improving the operability of remote robot by Reaction Force Feedback
Field of Electronic Engineering:A student at TNI, Design a program for Arduino Uno to develop a wall-following rover control system
Field of Architecture:A student at TUAS, Japanese construction management and Lean thinking
Field of Architecture:A student at KMITL, Using Laser Scanner and BIM in Yubetsu coal mine hospital
・April: Orientation
・May: Welcome Party, Courtesy Visit to Mayor of Kushiro, City Tour
・June: Mid-Term Vacation
・July: Open Campus, Project Presentation, Farewell Party
4.Courtesy Visit to Mayor of Kushiro
Twelve exchange students paid a courtesy visit to Mayor Ebina of Kushiro City on May 14th. They told him their aspirations for their studying abroad at Kushiro College, National Institute of Technology (Principal Tomohiko Otsuka). They were four exchange students from Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) in Finland, four from Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology (TNI), and four from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL). They had begun studying at Kushiro College as exchange students since late April. After introducing the exchange students by themselves, they talked pleasantly about their plans for the three-month stay, their impressions of Japan, the climate of Kushiro and so on. Mayor Ebina said, "I want you to learn much at a wonderful school and experience the culture of Kushiro". The visit was in a peaceful atmosphere from beginning to end. On their way out, the mayor and the students took commemorative photos together.
5.Spots of City Tour
・Kushiro-city (https://www.city.kushiro.lg.jp/)
・Kushiro Marsh (https://www.env.go.jp/park/kushiro/index.html)
・Lake Mashu &Io Mountain (https://mashuko-iozan.jp/)
・The Kushiro Sunset Cruise (https://www.icom946.com/crane/)
6.Study Abroad Diary, 6/26
My memorable three months in Japan written by V.V. (TUAS)
When I chose to participate in this three month practical training, I had no idea what life here would entail. However, life in Kushiro has become one of the most memorable two months of my life. I feel incredibly lucky with how accommodating everyone has been and how many activities the Kushiro Kosen has planned for us to experience. So far, I’ve participated in a sports festival with the advanced course students, flower arrangement, tea ceremony, calligraphy, visiting Kushiro Marsh, Lake Mashu, the Kushiro sunset cruise, and Iozan sulfur mountain. I also got a chance to share Finnish culture with the Japanese students by planning and hosting a midsummer party alongside the other Finnish students.
During my stay, I also traveled around Japan for ten days, spending five days in Tokyo and five days in Okinawa. This being my first time traveling outside Europe, it was thrilling to explore Japan, and I am very thankful to the Kushiro Kosen instructors for this opportunity.
The bustling vastness of Tokyo, with its incredible experiences, historical sights, and views I had only seen in popular media, compared to Okinawa’s relaxed island atmosphere, unique wildlife, and nature, felt like once-in-a-lifetime experiences. But as I flew back to Kushiro, I truly felt as if I was returning home. It’s not just the similar nature and weather to Finland, but also the friends I had met and would soon see again. I have created some of the best memories of my life with these friends, and they are something I will cherish forever."