I did not make any great preparations myself for this internship. I myself bought I Japanese vocabulary and grammar book. Vocabulary was totally useless because it had only limited amount of words and I did not use it very much. Also I have studied Japanese language a bit but I was not enough to satisfy me but I understood that later. I say if persons studied seriously about one year language of country where he will go he won’t have significant problems on living there.
Another preparation was to go intercultural course name a taste of Asia in Finland. In that course I studied various Asian cultures but mostly Japanese one because Japan was my destination. Being there helped me a bit to understand how to live in Japan but more could have been better. In school I also met some Japanese people but they were very shy using English and I did not chat much with them.
My studies during internship included programming, English language and artificial intelligence. Those were official studies but I studied also tea ceremony, Japanese language and Japanese culture by my own. I did this by traveling with my friends and meeting new people. I haven’t done any exams but I think that my studies have been very successful overall.
My laboratory experiment was to build a magnetic noise reduction filter and test it. Idea was first two months to test theory and last month to build it and get results out. After few weeks I understood that double Helm Holtz-coil is not enough to reduce noise low enough so I proposed to add two more coils to make structure quadruple Helm Holtz-coil. After first upgrade I and my teachers decided to break down old structure and build new one because according theory every millimeter is important for results.
At first daily life intercommunication was a problem because I was not able to speak good Japanese but I studied myself and practiced every day and finally got on level where people could understand me.
Reaching that level mostly took lot of time. Studding yourself is very difficult because there is nobody to correct your mistakes, making test for you or teaching you.
However here in Kushiro I met Japanese people who were able to speak English and my life got much better. I met people from University of Education and became their friends. I also met couple Japanese people and non-Japanese and got lot of more friends. Japanese language it is not so difficult but doing your best alone is not easy time. With guidance I could have done lot better than this.
Later I was able to improve myself more thanks to Kamiya teachers wife. Some small breaks like trip to Kyoto when I had time not to care about Japanese language also helped me a bit. Using body language and sounds helps a lot if don’t shame yourself.
My international understanding has always been good because in last year I was one year exchange student in England and I saw a lot of different people living their lives. Japanese people are however different and I did not meet lot of Japanese people in England and those few who I met were living like western people live.
Now my internship in japan is about to end. I have to say that before coming here I had no idea what kind of people Japanese are and how should I live with them. Now I must say that I still don’t know well answer. It takes time to become friend with Japanese people and takes more time to know them well. Japanese culture is friendlier than I have imagined and I will miss that friendliness definitely. I believe it is difficult to understand this as a Japanese person but in Europe it is not expected that people all always friendly and not hostile at all. Even if you do something stupid or not well mannered Japanese people let it go and pretend not to see it. This is something that I will miss.
Unfortunately there is a rule in my school that person can be abroad only twice and before Japan I was one year in England. Also in this year I will graduate and after that I will start looking a job so I don’t know when I will have a change to go abroad next time. I love travel and meet different people and in future I will continue to do that. If I will go to another school I will definitely go abroad and have fun there like I enjoyed Japan. Going overseas is so nice because you can easily get courses passed and have lot of fun at same time. I really like to go overseas.
Conclusion is this internship is following: I think this is one of my best experiences in my life and I will never forget about it. I have had fun almost every day and everyone has been nice to me. This internship has leave on me lasting impression of Japanese culture and language. I have made many friends here and my project has been success in this point. In calculations my project is very successful but measured results are not good because there is so little data and testing. However I am sure that because of my hard work of building new structure and good theory project will be successful. To see more information of my project please refer my PowerPoint show.
Only think what I can’t understand is why Kushiro National College of Technology did not provide any Japanese language teaching? One of teacher wife did practice with us but it was not organized teaching where grammar and test were taught. Rather it was meant to encourage us to use Japanese in daily life but what I wished is test and teaching Japanese language professionally.
What gave me good impression if school was how much time teacher’s sacrificed for our welfare. With schools teachers we saw many different places, slept in their houses and traveled in many different places. If there was a problem we would always get help. In weekend there was usually some activity. I think teachers thought that we did not have anything to do in weekends and that’s why there was always activity for us.
留学の準備はあまり十分とは言えませんでした。日本語の単語帳や文法の本は持っていたのですが限られた数の単語しか載っておらず全く役に立ちませんでした。事前に勉強していた日本語はあとからだんだんわかるようになっていきました。外国に行く前にその国の言葉を一年も勉強すれば、現地で問題なく生活できると思います。その他にも、フィンランドでTaste in Asiaという異文化コースを受講、日本をメインにアジアの文化を学び日本がどのような国か少しつかむことができました。日本人学生もいたのですが恥ずかしがって英語をあまり使おうとしないのであまりお話できませんでした。