いよいよ今週が最後の週となりました。6月28日(木)の最終成果発表会で3か月の研究成果や日常生活、日本文化などについて、3名に発表して頂きました。実質的な学校生活は6月29日(金)で終了、校長室で修了証書の授与がありました。7月2日(月)、お世話になった王子製紙独身寮を退去し、たくさんの学生や教職員の見送りを受けて夜8時15分、釧路発のJAL便で羽田に向かい、翌7月2日(火)、成田発11時のフィンランド航空で、無事、母国への帰国となりました。アキ君は最後のWeekly Reportを飛行機の中で書いて送る、と言っておりましたが、まだに届いておりませんので、今週はアク君とヤニ君のレポートです。
Last week has been really busy with preparations for final report of Internship and presentation, probably busier than I would have wanted it to be.
On Tuesday we went to visit Nippon Paper Company, they were well prepared to welcome us as they had really seen trouble for English presentations and all. I was really taken by surprise how well people could speak English there. Oh and there were also one person who could talk Finnish a bit as he had been working in Finland for a quite long time in the past. After we finished the tour in Nippon Paper factory we had a dinner with the people of the company. There was a long menu of about 10 different dishes prepared. You could really tell how well they had read our blog as they even had prepared a special dish for Jani instead of fish dish, because they had read that Jani doesn’t like fish from the blog.
On Wednesday I had planned to finish my final report once for all, but I had a bit of a misunderstanding with my second research and I tried to fix it before writing the report. Fixing the research took a lot of time and before I noticed I had to go Tea Ceremony Club for farewell party. We first did watermelon cutting and then held our last tea ceremony and we could give the last cup of tea for someone of our choice. I gave mine to Natsuki-san, with whom I have chatted quite a bit and it’s also thanks to her and many others that my command of Japanese has gotten this far. Thanks to you all who had the courage to come and speak to me!
After the farewell party Ishizawa-san got an idea to go do fireworks and so we went, it lasted maybe for an hour. I got back to dormitory late at night and so I had to do all nighter to finish my final report.
Thursday’s presentation went better than expected and I can say “I made it through the internship “ with proud.
This weekend I have been busy with buying souvenirs from hundred yen shop and trying to think how do I fit all my things to my bag anymore.
(訳者注釈:6月26日(火)、日本製紙 釧路工場から3名がご招待を頂き、工場見学の後、工場長主催の夕食会にまでご招待頂きました。緊張していたのと最終レポートのことが頭にあって、3名ともずいぶんおとなしくしていました。アク君は成果発表会では日本語によるプレゼンを見事にこなしました。)
I made the final report. I kept presentation on the final report of what I had learned during the exchange, and what I have done in Japan.
The time has come to leave. It’s been really fun. But fun can’t last forever.
I would like to thank all teachers and the students for all preparation. Thanks to them, this has been best exchange ever.
Weekend we held a farewell party with the students. We went with friends to buy me a yukata. I packed my stuff for departure to Finland. I had a surprising amount staff. But I was not able to take everything with me to Finland.
日本製紙 釧路工場のクラブハウスで工場のお話を聞きました。