This week was no different from others school wise, but outside of school a lot of things occurred. On Monday Megumi surprised us with Sand and Kan by coming to our lab and Kan was wearing her yukata. After the small modelling from Kan it was Milkas turn to try it up. In evening we were invited to a tea ceremony and I had a blast in there. It was at the same time so beautiful and weird because it was so theatrical. On Tuesday didn’t happen anything worth of mentioning at least I can’t remember anything. On Wednesday we had to miss our English lesson with Brian because we were invited for a special lecture kind of thing about testing different mechanical things. Again on Thursday can’t remember anything worth of mentioning.
On Friday we went to see the local paper factory with Komatsu sensei. The Thais and us had a lot of fun screwing around mainly and the cookies we were served were amazing and the confectionery would have been good too if I would have known how to cut it. We were made to use some cloves and hat and I was a bit disappointed when we didn’t even get to keep the cap.
On Saturday we went for a picnic to a nice park in hope to see some sakuras but sadly they hadn’t bloomed well yet. I was extremely disappointed for not seeing them but I still had a lot of fun eating all the good foods we got and exploring with others the nearby forest. With us in the park were a few people I didn’t know but they were a lot of fun too, especially the older man was extremely funny. After the picnic we went to our drivers’ friends’ bakery and on the way there we saw so beautiful sakura and he was nice enough to stop so we could get pictures of it. In the bakery we got to choose some piece of cake we wanted to eat and we were taught how to make wraps. It was so fun! After eating and a little bit of baking we continued our drive with Kamiya sensei and Konishi to Kamiyas house where we spent a fun evening next to a fire and playing games and all kind of things! To the evening included also Sand and Big cooking and a funny older lady teaching me and Milka some Japanese card games while boys were at onsen.
After a night of sleep (that started quite late) we ate breakfast at Kamiyas house and started heading back to dorm. On the way back we stopped at some crazy woman’s crane feeding spot to see a crane there. When back at dorm I noticed that all the throwing Frisbee and stuff were feeling extremely well in my arm and chest. Also the stroll I took in the middle of night without jacket or anything had taken its prize and I had got a horrible cough.
土曜日は花見に公園に出かけたのですが,まだ桜は見頃ではありませんでした。桜が見れなくてとても残念でしたが,それでも美味しいものをたくさん食べて近くの森を探検したり,とても楽しかったです。私たちの他に知らない人もたくさん来ていましたが,中にはとても面白いお年寄りの男性がいました。その後,車で送り迎えをしてくれた方の友人がやっているパン屋に行きました。途中できれいに桜が咲いているのを見つけ,車を停めてもらったので写真を撮ることができました。パン屋では食べたいケーキを選び,パンの作り方も教わりました。とても面白かったです。その後,神谷先生と小西くんと一緒に神谷先生の家に向かい,たき火やゲームをしたりして楽しい夜を過ごしました。Sand とBigが料理を作ったり,みんなが温泉に行っている間,私とミルカさんはある女性にカードゲームを教わりました。
During this week I made mostly plannings, but also few simple furniture with POV-Ray for my project. Because I’m making a construction kit of interior, I need to do a lot of planning and consider what kind of furniture and other things I need to make and how to do it. I’ll try to do the easiest things first and just leave the most difficult thing for later because I’m still learning to use this program.
On Monday Megumi came with two of the Thai students to visit us. They wanted to show us Megumi’s yukata that Kan was wearing and Megumi also let me to try it on. The yukata was beautiful and now I also want to buy one for myself, it doesn’t seem to be very easy to put on though. Later that day we were main guests in welcoming tea ceremony along with the Thai students. I had newer seen tea ceremony or tasted green tea before so it was very nice experience. The tea was a bit bitter, but it wasn’t bad and I actually liked it a bit. We also had a chance to make the tea by ourselves in a bit shorter and easier way, and it was very fun.
On Wednesday we had a special class of material tests. The subject wasn’t very close to my major, but even still I think it’s good to know the general information about the subject and I also found it interesting.
We went for a tour in the Nippon Paper Group on Friday. At first I didn’t really think that paper factory would be very interesting but the tour actually wasn’t boring at all in the end. They had prepared a video and presentation for us, and they introduced different parts of the factory. There also was one person who could speak a bit Finnish. He spoke it very well compared to that Finnish language is rather difficult to learn.
On Saturday we went to Sakura Festival and had a barbecue there. It was rather cold there and sakuras weren’t yet in full bloom, only few flowers and buds were visible. We were playing and doing a lot of different things and had a lot of fun there. After that we went to a bakery shop to eat some cakes and then we had a chance to make thin pancakes if we wanted. During the trip to the bakery shop, we saw a cherry tree blooming and stopped there to take some photos, it was so beautiful. From the bakery shop we went to Kamiya-sensei’s house. There we set a campfire, ate a lot, played many different card games and had a lot of fun. I spent Sunday mostly resting because I was tired and had a headache.